Grace McKnight
- Canadian Certified Counsellor—Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association
- Registered Counselling Therapist—Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists

Grace has lived in Nova Scotia for 31 years. She grew up in the woodlands of Muskoka, Ontario. Nature has been a sustaining feature through the transitions of her life. Grace’s life journey has moved through overlapping circles of service, spirituality and creativity.

Directly out of high school Grace studied Social Services and worked a short time in this field before serendipitously dipping her hands into clay. This spontaneous event changed the course of her life for the next 10 years during which she would become an award-winning potter.

Grace introduced many people to the craft and caught the bug to teach and further explore her creativity. In 1986 she moved to Nova Scotia to attend the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (University) where she studied Fine Art and Art Education.
After a few satisfying years of teaching in the public schools, Grace developed severe environmental sensitivities and her formal teaching career was cut short. During the long recovery process Grace met her husband and Natural Health Practitioner, Don Himmelman. Quite auspiciously, through illness, Grace was introduced to her next career, the ancient art of placement known as Feng Shui. Since 1995 Grace has assisted hundreds of homeowners and businesses through design, decorating and energetic adjustments to their surroundings.

Work with corporate clients revealed the need for designated quiet spaces in the workplace. Today’s workforce is much more aware of the need to balance work and home. More people are honouring their whole self and making intentional choices for wellness of body, mind and spirit.
Having recognized the diversity of world views in Nova Scotia through many feng shui clients, Grace returned to school and completed an MA in Religious Studies, a Spiritual Care internship CPE-1 and a M.Ed. in Counselling. Life sometimes goes in circles.

Grace has created many learning opportunities for the exploration of diversity, particularly for young adults through the Kinship project. She continues to coach feng shui clients, create art and provide guided labyrinth walks. Her main focus now is her work as a Registered Counselling Therapist. She is actively assisting adults from all walks of life, and diverse backgrounds, to live authentic and meaningful lives. Change is possible.